Food Security Coaching

If you are a community food systems champion on the Central Coast of BC and you’d like one-on-one or small group support to help you develop your projects and ideas, please reach out to us today.

We have capacity to support 1-2 people in each community in the region with free monthly coaching calls to help you build resilient food systems and localize our food economy through:

Project Administration

  • Develop projects, implementation plans, and evaluation measures

  • Engage communities, partners, and funders

  • Create solid work plans for communications and fundraising

Food Production

  • Develop community-led food systems solutions

  • Create food production plans that align with our climate and ecosystems

  • Troubleshoot weather, companion planting, pest control, and more

Ancestral Foodways

  • Incorporate ancestral knowledge into community food programs

  • Support the resurgence of ancestral foods and food wisdom for our peoples

  • Explore sustainable pathways to accessing ancestral foods

If you would benefit from support to articulate and accomplish your vision as a local food champion, we’d love to uplift you.

Community Microgrants

We want to meet community food champions where they’re at, and we know sometimes that means simply helping to close the gap on costs. If you’re in Bella Bella, Bella Coola, Wuikinuxv Village, Klemtu, Denny Island, or Ocean Falls and represent a community organization or coalition of people involved in local food work, you could be eligible for up to $1,500 in support for 2023. To find out more, please reach out to us today!